4 - 10 GHz
Highend Module
This module is based on Texas Instruments's LMX2594 PLL and LMX8410L IQ-Mixer. There is a monostatic and a bistatic version with SMP connectors available. For the monostatic version an integrated branchline coupler including a 50 Ohm matching resistor is implemented on the PCB.
The power generation, the PLL and a STM32L4 microcontroller is available at the board. The microcontroller is only used for controlling the PLL and the GPIOs and provides an I2C interface for external configuration. The radar can be used a standalone radar with analogue intermediate frequency outputs and is itself not campatible with the RAPIDv3 platform. In combination with the Baseband board it is compatible with RAPIDv3.
An external special slot antenna with reflector plane and SMA connector is available.
The basic operation parameters are listed above: